Coaching chats
From Stuck to Transformed: a Coaching Chat with Bernard Kates [EP 7]
June 7, 2023
In this episode of Coaching Chats, Rukshana Alieva interviews transformational leadership coach and mentor Bernard Kates. Bernard shares his coaching philosophy focused on personal and professional growth, while emphasising the importance of living authentically and showing empathy and non-judgment towards others. The episode covers various topics on how to transform oneself to achieve fulfillment and peace, including the "Heart Mindset Trajectory". Bernard also offers practical advice on knowing oneself and determining personal values and life purpose. Through a story about a team member named Jack, he emphasises how coaching can help people focus on their goals and achieve true satisfaction in life. Tune in to this episode for insightful tips and strategies on how to achieve personal growth and find meaning and purpose in life.

Speaker Bio: 

Bernard is a Transformational Leadership Coach and mentor.

Bernard’s expertise extends beyond coaching aspiring Life coaches and people in executive roles. He is also a dedicated Leadership coach, specialising in assisting new leaders who are navigating the challenges of their recent promotion. Additionally, Bernard offers masterclasses, such as the new and highly regarded ‘Living from the Heart’ program. He also published his book called - ‘Living from the Heart’.

What sets Bernard apart is his wealth of life experience, which he brings to his coaching practice. He firmly believes in the power of empowerment and advocates for living authentically, demonstrating empathy and non-judgment towards others, and continually pursuing personal and professional growth.

Topics Covered in this episode:

1. Journey Towards Transformation
- HEART acronym for transformation
- Transcending Materialism

2. Self-Belief and Movement 
- Being the Authentic Version of Yourself
- Journey To Success and Fulfillment

3. Coaching and Personal Development 
- The importance of Coaching
- Bernard's Past and Development

4. Knowing Oneself 
- Importance of Self-Exploration
- Helping people find purpose

Key Insights:

- Transformation takes time, but being in control can instantly change how we feel.
- Focusing on personal transformation often involves transcending materialistic desires.
- Transforming oneself will result in living an authentic life, which can lead to fulfillment.
- Focus on becoming the true version of oneself as opposed to material success.
- Belief in oneself and action towards goals are keys to success.
- Taken from the Speaker's example with a team member named Jack who found fulfillment in his true passion.
- Coaching is essential in helping us understand our desires and goals.
- Bernard coaches and mentors aspiring life coaches, people in executive roles and new leaders.
- Bernard details their various roles throughout their career and transition from technical roles to coaching positions.
- Knowing oneself is crucial to finding one's purpose in life.
- Personal exploration is necessary to determine our values, motivations, perspectives, and emotions.
- Finding purpose and meaning in life can bring peace and fulfillment even in difficult situations.

To contact Bernard:
Bernard | Coaching. Mentoring. Leading.

Contact Rukshana:

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